California Supply Chain Disclosures

  • Miller Milling Company is committed to fair labor practices within our supply chain. Our corporate responsibility team is working to ensure that suppliers understand and agree to verify that they do not violate antislavery and human trafficking laws, but we do not currently engage a third party verification services or conduct internal or independent, unannounced audits of our suppliers.
  • To ensure that our contractors and suppliers respect and enforce our company standards, we are in the process of adding a clause in commercial agreements governing our contractual relationship with suppliers, which stipulates that our suppliers must abide by our anti-slavery and human trafficking standards. Thus, as a condition to doing business with us, and as a means of self-certification, the commercial agreement clause will read: “1) Supplier represents that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including eradication of forced, indentured, involuntary or compulsory labor in its facilities, and requires its suppliers, including labor brokers and agencies, to do the same; 2) Supplier represents that its supply chain and materials incorporated into its products comply with national and international laws prohibiting slavery and human trafficking; and 3) Supplier agrees to treat workers with dignity and respect, provide them with a safe work environment, conduct business in compliance with applicable environmental, labor and employment laws, and refrain from corrupt practices and engaging in human rights violations.
  • In 2021, we are developing internal accountability standards and procedures for employees and contractors failing to meet our company standards regarding slavery and trafficking. If and when our company uncovers employee or contractor compliance problems, we will provide written notice and specified period of time to take corrective actions.
  • Our supply chain management staff consists of one vice president and three managers. Every member of our supply chain management staff will receive training on all company policies, practices, and procedures designed to ensure that our supply chain is free of any type of coerced labor, including how to spot warning signs of potential human rights violations.